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A generation between social battles and trends

National and world movements, protests and marches are the elements that now characterize the 21st century. Most of these events arise from the resourcefulness of the young people of Generation Z: a ​​generation often criticized, negatively stereotyped for the assiduous use of technologies, stigmatized by society, but also capable of inducing great social changes. The fact that Generation Z is an expert social media user is often misunderstood or ignored. It is no coincidence, in fact, that social media have played an essential role in the development of the various movements that the new century has welcomed. An example of this is the event held in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna organized by a group of young people and disclosed only through social channels. Exponents of this warrior generation are:

  • Malala, who has long been fighting for civil rights and the right to education for girls in Muslim countries;
  • Amika George started the #FreePeriods campaign to fight period poverty and celebrate free menstrual pads and cups;
  • Olga Misik, with her gesture of protest and protest, has become an international symbol for all those who fight for freedom of thought;
  • Melati and Isabel Wijsen launched the #ByeByePlasticBags initiative, managing to raise awareness in their country;
  • Greta Thunberg promotes the #FridaysForFuture which has now achieved worldwide prominence.
    That the environmental movement promoted by the charismatic Swedish girl has become internationally renowned is now commonly accepted; but how much has it really contributed to the approval of legislative and business managerial measures?

The young activist with an iron will has promoted a cause that has proved to have a strong social impact; Unfortunately, however, in addition to the true supporters of this cause there are also those who have exploited it by making this battle a trend.

An example of this is the increasingly widespread use of water bottles, biodegradable products and organic foods, but how much these choices reflect the real awareness of entrepreneurs regarding the climate-environmental issue is still uncertain.

Over the years, Green marketing, a strategy that is concerned with adapting production and sales to the environmental problem, has evolved and acquired ever greater importance. In fact, all aspects of the production process, advertising communication, choice of raw materials, creation of packaging and waste disposal are an integral part of this business model also known as Environmental Marketing. This new marketing philosophy reflects, or should reflect, the real commitment of companies to the environment and incessant climate change. One wonders, however, if that of companies is a real attempt to “educate” the consumer to respect the environment and the importance of recycling, or if it has turned into a real greenwashing – a strategy that allows companies to produce misleading images that reveal their consent regarding the environmental problem even if they may not intend to take concrete measures in this regard.

Only over time will it be possible to evaluate the consistency and continuity of the investment they have made in favor of climate change and the actual impact of these policies on environmental protection.

Sara Di Luca

Trial Associate Marketing Area

Mauro Campus

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Mauro Campus